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Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to a high-ranking placement in search results. We create an SEO strategy according to the needs of each client, ensuring that they rank high and get traffic from search engines like Google, in an organic and cost-effective way. Our SEO services include:

  1. Keyword Research and Strategy.
  2. Organic Search.
  3. On-Page SEO.
  4. Link Building and Activity Reports.

Website Analysis

We do website analysis to test and analyze your website’s performance and then create a plan for search optimization of the website in relation to SEO, speed, competition, and traffic.

On-Page SEO

Through on-page SEO, we take all the measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. Instead of a simple SEO analysis, you can get a complete diagnosis of your landing pages: content, design, performance, keywords, accessibility. Improve your website and control your SEO.

Link Building

Link building is essential for higher rankings in search engines. We help with a high-quality and effective link building service to build your profile for higher search rankings. Links are one of the basic ways that search engine algorithms determine the relevance of a page. The value of the content on a page is determined by the number of associated links.

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Activity Reports

We provide detailed updates of your website’s SEO performance on a regular basis. These updates include data about your visitors, referring websites, top performing pages, social media activity, top locations, and a detailed breakdown of your search engine activity.

Keyword Research & Strategy

One of the most essential elements of SEO are keywords. If done correctly, they can improve the entire marketing plan of your website. Our experts choose the best keywords for your business, with high profitability, moderate competition, and search volume.

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

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Organic search engine optimization (organic SEO) refers to the methods used to obtain a high placement (or ranking) on a search engine results page in unpaid, algorithm-driven results on a given search engine. Methods such as boosting keywords, backlinking and writing high-quality content can all improve a site’s page rank. Black hat SEO methods, such as the use of keyword stuffing and link farming, can also boost organic SEO.

Sites using organic SEO in the truest sense will be much like organisms, meaning they will grow, expand and adapt over time in response to readers' desires.

covers tactics you can control on your website to help search engines rank and understand your content better. Like your site’s content, title tags, keyword usage, URLs, internal links, etc.

refers to actions taken off your website. Like backlinks and mentions on other sites. 

refers to activities that directly impact how search engines index and crawl your site. Like site speed optimization, structured data, and more.

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A Digital Marketing & Training Company

Red Moon Communications (SMC-PRIVATE) Limited is a digital marketing & training company. We are operating globally and believe in partnering with like-minded organizations to achieve a similar purpose. Our mission is to inspire and empower people around the globe by sharing our creativity and innovative ideas; and spreading knowledge through trainings that promote inclusivity, leadership skills, growth mindset, managing unconscious bias, and business development skills.